miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013


1. We clean the garages every day.
The garages are cleaned every day
2. They posted all the letters yesterday.
All the letters were posted yesterday
3. We have invited all the students in the school
All the students in the school have been invited
4. They pay me a lot of money to do the job
A lot of money is paid to me to do the job
I am paid a lot of money to do the job
5. You must clean this machine every time you use it
This machine must be cleaned every time you use it
6. They are mending your shoes at the moment
Your shoes  are being mended at the moment
7. The police arrested a lot of people
A lot of people were arrested
8. You should pay your bill before you leave the hotel
The bill should be paid before you leave the school
9. We will have to answer the letters
The letters will have to be answered
10. They offered Harry a good job
Harry was offered a good job
A good job was offered to Harry
11. They have to postpone the meeting
The meeting has to be postponed
12. They were painting the ship when the accident happened
The ship was being painted when the accident happened
13. Do you water the plants every day?
Are the plants watered every day?
14. Did he buy all the records?
Were all the records bought ?
15. We are going to decorate this room
This room is going to be decorated
16. Is the mailman delivering the mail now?
Is the mail being delivered now?
17. The newspaper didn’t report the event immediately.
The event wasn’t reported immediately
18. She handed me the plate
I was handed the plate
The plate was handed to me
19. Are they meeting him at the airport?
Is he being met at the airport?
20. Doctors are treating her in hospital
She is being treated in hospital
21. The storm damaged the roof
The roof was damaged by the storm
22. Somebody introduced me to Dr. Felix last year
I was introduced to Dr. Felix last year


1. People believe that the wanted man is living in New York
It is believed that…
The wanted man is believed to be living in NY
2. People say that many people are homeless after the floods.
It is said that …
Many people are said to be homeless after the floods
3. People know that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law
It is known that…
The Prime minister is known to be in favour of the new law
4. People expect that the government will lose the election
It is expected that the government …
The government is expected to lose the election
5. Someone thinks that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall
It is thought that…
The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall
6. People believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window
It was believed that…
The thieves were believed to have got in through the kitchen window
7. Someone alleged that he drove through the town at 90 miles an hour
It was alleged that…
He was alleged to have driven through the town at 90 miles an hour
8. Someone reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident
It was reported that…
Two people were reported to have been seriously injured in the accident
9. People say that three men were arrested after the explosion
It is said that…
Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion
10. People believe that this sword belonged to King Arthur
It is believed that…
This sword is believed to have belonged to King Arthur
11. They thought that the flowers arrived from Holland
It  was thought that the flowers …
The flowers were thought to have arrived from Holland
12. Experts say that this house dates back to the 12th century
It is said that…
This house is said to date back to the 12th century
13. People said that his widow had spent all his fortune
It was said that…
His widow was said to have spent all his fortune
14. We consider that the petrol tank is dangerous
It is considered that…
The petrol tank is considered to be dangerous
15. People expect that the damage would be extensive
It is expected that…
The damage is expected to be expensive
16. The journalist reported that there were 30.000 people at the meeting
It  was reported that…
30.000 people were reported to have been at the meeting
1. It is expected that the strike will end soon
The strike is expected to end soon
2. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow
The weather is expected to be good tomorrow
3. It was reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire
The building was reported to have been badly damaged by fire
4. It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year
The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year
5. It is expected that the company will lose a lot of money this year
The company is expected to lose a lot of money this year
6. It is said that the company is losing money
The company is said to be losing money
7. It is thought that this town was built in the 17th century
This town is thought to have been built in the 17th century
8. It is said that Elvis Presley is alive
Elvis Presley is said to be alive
9. It was believed that some ghosts inhabit this palace
Some ghosts were believed to inhabit this palace
10. It is thought that the global warming is increasing
The global warming is thought to be increasing


1. They are going to cut his hair tomorrow
He’s going to have his hair cut tomorrow
2. We asked the decorators to paint our house
We had our house painted
3. John’s car was repaired yesterday
John had his car repaired yesterday
4. Our computer is being fixed at the moment
We’re having our computer fixed at the moment
5. The manager will ask his secretary to prepare his documents
The manager will have his documents prepared
6. His leg was broken in a car accident
He had his leg broken in a car accident

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

teoría pasivas

El uso de la voz pasiva en Inglés es mucho mas frecuente que en castellano. Las usamos cuando el sujeto que ejecuta la acción no es relevante, o queremos enfatizar la acción en sí.
Estructura: sujeto paciente + verbo to be en el mismo tiempo que la oración activa + verbo principal en participio pasado (verbo+ -ed/ 3º columna) + complementos

¿Qué es el sujeto paciente? Es el objeto de la oración activa

El verbo: Cumple siempre dos reglas:
1.       Añadimos el verbo “to be” en el mismo tiempo verbal que aparezca en la oración activa. Concordará en persona y número con el sujeto
2.       El verbo principal de la oración activa lo colocamos detrás del verbo to be en participio pasado (verbo-ed / 3º columna).
TRUCO: (1 + V) Significa que la oración pasiva siempre presentará un componente más en el verbo que la oración activa.

Correlación entre el verbo de la oración activa y el verbo de la oración pasiva

Presente simple:
Somebody cleans this room every day
This room is cleaned every day
Presente continuo:
Somebody is cleaning the room at this moment
The room is being cleaned at this moment
Pasado simple:
Somebody cleaned this room yesterday
This room was cleaned yesterday
Pasado continuo:
Somebody was cleaning this room when I arrived
This room was being cleaned when I arrived
Pretérito perfecto (present perfect)
The room looks nice. Someone has cleaned it
The room looks nice. It has been cleaned
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto (past perfect)
The room looked nice. Someone had cleaned
The room looked nice. It had been cleaned
Someone must do something before it’s too late
Something must be done before it’s too late
Futuro simple:
Somebody will clean the room later
The room will be cleaned
Futuro perfecto:
By next week we will have cleaned the room
By next week the room will have been cleaned
I would clean your room, but I don’t have enough stuff
Your room would be cleaned (by me), but I don’t have enough stuff
They have to clean your room
Your room has to be cleaned (Se añade to be en infinitive, el verbo have es el que concuerda en género y número con el sujeto paciente.

¿Qué es el complemento agente? Es el sujeto de la oración activa Aparece siempre precedido por la partícula “by”
¿Cuándo usamos el complemento agente? Exclusivamente cuando tiene relevancia o nos aporta un dato que no se presupone en la oración pasiva. Casos:
  1. Cuando el complemento agente es desconocido  no lo pondremos. Ejemplo: someone, people… 
  2. Cuando el complemento agente es un pronombre objeto su uso será opcional. Ejemplo: by him…
  3. Cuando el complemento agente es una persona, un colectivo, una cosa específica que no se sobreentiende en el sentido de la frase será obligatorio su uso. Ejemplo: Harry, police…
¿Dónde colocamos el complemento agente?
Irá colocado detrás del verbo principal. Si no tenemos más complementos irá al final de la frase. Si hay algún complemento de tiempo, éste puede ir al principio o al final de la frase.

 En ocasiones encontramos oraciones con dos objetos. Estas oraciones cumplen todas las reglas de las oraciones pasivas mencionadas, pero pueden pasarse a pasivas  de dos formas distintas:

  1. Utilizamos el objeto indirecto como sujeto paciente.  

Ejemplo: They offered him a good job
                He was offered a good job

  1. Utilizamos el objeto directo como sujeto paciente. En este caso el objeto indirecto vendrá precedido por la preposición “to”

Ejemplo: They offered him a good job

                A good job was offered to him


Las identificamos por dos motivos:
  1. En este tipo de oraciones siempre hay una frase introductoria en la que  aparece alguno de estos verbos:
Think, believe, know, say, expect, allege, report…

  1. Siempre aparecen dos verbos principales
People say that she works in a factory ( oración activa)
             V1               V2
It is said that she works in a factory
        V1                   V2
She is   said   to  work in a factory
                   V1          V2
Estas oraciones tienen sus propias estructuras y por tanto no siguen las reglas ni los trucos de las otras oraciones pasivas. Podemos construirlas con dos estructuras distintas y que tendrán el mismo significado:


IT + IS/WAS + V1 (ppio pasado) + THAT + O. SUBORDINADA

Paso de una oración en activa a una oración pasiva refleja

People say that she works in a factory
It is said that she works in a factory

IT – En esta estructura siempre será el sujeto de la pasiva refleja
IS / WAS – sólo aparecerá uno de estos dos casos. Si V1 de la oración activa está en presente pondremos” IS” . Si V1 está en pasado, pondremos “WAS”
     Ejemplo: People know that…   (presente)
                     It is known that…
                     People knew that….  (pasado)
                     It was known that… 

V1 – Este verbo irá siempre en participio pasado (verbo – ed / 3º columna)
Ejemplos: It is said, It is known , It is believed, It is thought; It is expected…

THAT – Su uso será obligatorio, aparecerá siempre con esta estructura.
O. SUBORDINADA – No habrá ningún cambio en el resto de la frase:

 People say that Cathy works very hard
It is said that Cathy works very hard

Someone says that Cathy worked very hard
It is said that Cathy worked very hard

People said that Cathy works very hard
It was said that Cathy works very hard

Someone said that Cathy worked very hard
It was said that Cathy worked very hard


People  think  that  Cathy  works  very  hard
    Suj 1        V1               Suj2     V2           Complemento
--------------------           -------------------------------------
O. principal                     O. Subordinada

Suj 2 +  V1 + To + V2 + Complementos

Suj 2 – es el sujeto de la oración subordinada
V1 – Este verbo sufrirá los mismos cambios que la anterior estructura:
  1. añadimos el verbo “to be” en el mismo tiempo verbal que esté en la oración activa y concordando en persona y número con el sujeto
  2. El verbo aparecerá en participio pasado
To – En esta estructura siempre aparecerá “to” entre los dos verbos.

Ejemplo de los cambios hasta el momento:

People think that Cathy works very hard
Cathy is thought to…

People think that they work very hard
They are thought to…

Someone thought that Cathy works very hard
Cathy was thought to…

People thought that they worked very hard
They were thought to…

V2 – Es el verbo de la oración subordinada. Cambiará según el tiempo verbal de la oración subordinada

Presente simple y futuro simple ---  infinitivo
People believe that she works very hard
She is believed to work very hard

People think that she will work very hard
She is thought to work very hard

Presente continuo ----  be + v-ing
People believe that she is working very hard
She is believed to be working very hard

Pasado simple ---- have + v. part. pasado
People believe that she worked very hard
She is believed to have worked very hard


Como en el caso de las pasivas reflejas, estamos ante un tipo de oración con estructura propia y será ésta la que utilicemos al pasarla a pasiva. ¿Cuándo la utilizaremos?
  1. Cuando alguien hace algo por o para nosotros. Alguien te repara el coche, te corta el pelo…
  2. Cuando nos ocurre algo desagradable que ha sido provocado por una causa ajena a nosotros mismo o que no lo hemos provocado nosotros
NOTA: En esta estructura no se utiliza el complemento agente.

      Sujeto + have  /  get        + objeto + v. part pasado (v–ed / 3º colum)+ complementos

Sujeto- “el dueño”
Have- habrá que conjugarlo y hacer que concuerde con el sujeto
Objeto- la cosa sobre la que recae la acción
V. part pasado- siempre aparecerá el verbo principal en participio pasado


Jill didn’t repair his roof herself   (O. active)
Jill    had    his roof     repaired
Sj  + have + objeto +   v.ppio pdo

Someone will repair Jill’s roof
Jill will have his roof repaired

George’s nose was broken in a fight
George had his nose broken in a fight

The manager will ask his secretary to prepare his documents
The manager will have his documents prepared

Someone is cutting Jill’s hair
Jill is having his hair cut

pasivas. rephrasing

Pasivas normales

23. Peter has recorded our favourite programmes
Our favourite
24. TV companies don’t broadcast cartoons before seven o’clock in the morning
25. People spend too much time watching contests
26. Did the reporter show the images of the attack on TV?
27. Does this team transfer good players to get money?
28. Have people finished the script?
29. Someone told me the real story some weeks ago
The real
30. Someone is asking him some questions
Some questions


1. People believe that the wanted man is living in New York
The wanted man
2. People say that many people are homeless after the floods.
Many people
3. People know that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law
The Prime minister
4. People expect that the government will lose the election
The government
5. Someone thinks that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall
The prisoner
6. People believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window
The thieves
7. Someone alleged that he drove through the town at 90 miles an hour
8. Someone reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident
Two people
9. People say that three men were arrested after the explosion
Three men
 10. People believe that this sword belonged to King Arthur
This sword
11. They thought that the flowers arrived from Holland
The flowers
12. Experts say that this house dates back to the 12th century
This house
13. People say that his widow spent all his fortune
His widow
14. We consider that the petrol tank is dangerous
The petrol tank
15. People expect that the damage would be extensive
The damage
16. The journalist reported that there were 30.000 people at the meeting
30.000 people

1. It is expected that the strike will end soon
The strike
2. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow
The weather
3. It was reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire
The building
4. It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year
The company
5. It is expected that the company will lose a lot of money this year
The company
6. It is said that the company is losing money
The company
7. It is thought that this town was built in the 17th century
This town
8. It is said that Elvis Presley is alive
Elvis Presley
9. It was believed that some ghosts inhabit this palace
Some ghosts
10. It is thought that the global warming is increasing
The global warming


1. They are going to cut his hair tomorrow
He’s going
2. We asked the decorators to paint our house white
3. John’s car was repaired yesterday
4. Our computer is being fixed at the moment
5. The manager will ask his secretary to prepare his documents
The manager will
6. His leg was broken in a car accident
7. He asked someone to service some goods a couple of days ago
8. They are building her a swimming pool in the garden
9. George’s nose was broken in a fight
10. Someone will install them the heating in the next days